Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Making Money Online True?

How To NOT Make Money Online

If you want to know all the best ways to not make money online, I am truly an expert in that field. I have wasted a lot of time and money on so called money making programs over the years. There are very few I haven't tried or at least done extensive research on. Below I will list a few of them and try to give you a basic insight on each of them.

The Rich Jerk

When I bought this the price was $49, I believe. Now it's something like $9.95. This is an ebook that gives you the basics, like signing up with Clickbank, Commission Junction, etc. It goes on to Adwords and a few other things. Mostly basic stuff in my opinion. You do get a free website, but all of them are the same, just "cookie cutter" sites. But it does have one good feature. You get lifetime access to the forum, and this can be helpful to new as well as experienced marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate

A monthly membership site with a heavy focus on Clickbank and Adwords. When I was a member, they wouldn't even give you a copy of their ebook,"Beating adwords". Kind of cheesy in my book. Now they have some kind of keyword tool for members, but for a lot less than a few month's membership fees you can buy a much better one for yourself.

Anything To Do With Adwords

I have bought just about every Adwords book out there. At one time I guess I thought that was the only way to get traffic. You have to live and learn I guess.


I have sold several different products on ebay, and at one time actually made a little money. Ebay today is going through drastic changes, most of them are not favorable to sellers. Ebay's new head man is making it very clear that he does not like what he calls the "flea market" look of ebay, and he is rapidly doing everything he can to change the look and feel of ebay. Unfortunately this has meant the death of many small mom and pop type operations who helped ebay become the giant marketplace it is today. Many more changes are in the works, mostly all bad in my opinion.

Ironically, I do have a handful of ebay affiliate websites and do make a little money from them. But with ebay's unstable environment, it's not something that I am going to get more deeply involved with.

There you have a few of my more dismal internet ventures. After failing for more than 2 years, I never gave up. The internet is just too large to not find a way to profit from it. But unless you are very lucky, you better have deep pockets and a truckload of determination if you're going to succeed online without help.

The good news is that you can make money online. The bad news is it will take work and effort on your part. LOTS of work and effort. Nothing in this world is free or easy. If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen. No guru or magic formula will do it for you. YOU MUST DO IT YOURSELF. No one can do it for you. It is ALL up to you.

Let's get down to business. I am going to show you how myself and a lot of internet marketers made their first affilliate sales online. Find a product on Clickbank, CJ, or Paydotcom that is a proven seller, and one that you have an interest in. It doesn't matter if it's about internet marketing, dog training, health related topics, or anything else. You should find a product that is a proven seller and one that you can relate to. That is VERY important.

PLEASE remember this, you have to learn how to market your product. It can be the best product ever created on your chosen subject, but if you don't know how to market it, you will never make a dime from it. That is the the secret to internet marketing, plain and simple. Without a proven marketing system, you are wasting your time.

I am going to show you an absolutely FREE way to set up a site, how to market it, and finally begin to make money online. It took me over 2 years and a lot of wasted time and money to learn this method. You have to make up your mind to quit wasting your time searching the internet for ways to make money, and GET TO WORK. I am not an internet guru by any means, but I do know what works.

The methods you will learn are proven and tested by many internet marketers. The bottom line is they will work, but you will have to put your time and effort in them to make them work. There is no magic formula, the main ingredient in making money online is YOU.

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